Engineering ka scope nahi, computer science is overly saturated, and medical Kay liye 1 crore chahiye, then wtf do i do.
If Arjun Kapoor starts a SMA(suggest me anything) on this sub, what suggestions would you give him?
How much eidi do you usually get?
FIA Raid in F-11 Markaz ISB near Vostro world
Good Universities in Islamabad
So I got a pair of CMF buds pro 2 from Priceoye for my pixel 7a (AMA?)
Ibrahim Ali Khan loses cool over Critic's Nadaniyaan Review.
Black Vigo Vehicle Wielding Power on Lahore’s Busy Underpass – Citizen Brutally Assaulted.
Attention Ladies & Gents (Specially Ladies)
Hi guys so i am looking to buy earbuds and i've come across the video of beme elite by bilal munir are beme buds good should i buy them plus there is an offer to current price after discount of 3k the price is 5k and by using a promo code the price further drop down to 2.8k should i buy them or not
My Experience at Islamia College. A Warning for Future Students
Islamabad on high alert?
Pakistani Call Centers Scammers.
To all those enrolled in 2024
A few shots from the past months
AMA I work at a FAANG in SF Bay Area
Post iftar chaye with leftover iftar 🤌🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼
Also both shares a border with Pakistan!
The one habit that set you apart as a Software Engineer
Thalapathy Vijay organised a grand iftar gathering in Chennai.
Karachi Bike Owners and Their Bedsheets WHY?
What is his problem with him ?
First DC
A government uni HOD is harassing female students, what can we do?