[KCD2] The Hermit’s Sword Quest Bugged?
Does anyone know if my coworker’s home town actually exists?
Haircuts and beards in KCD2?
Found my third year university notes
Do your thing
Loving KCD 2 so far… but I’m having a bit of a problem with the screen settings
Who do you think is the most unlikeable actor/actress in the movie industry?
My new kitten!
Did anyone ever watch any of Steven Lim’s stuff?
I’ve always assumed I’m right handed but ever since learning that there’s such a thing as “cross-dominance/mixed-handedness” I think that might be what I am. Does this sound correct?
You all white? I'm sorry
In your opinion, which actor plays the same character in every movie he/she’s in?
I feel bad for this guy
Leg Day
Guy seeking validation
Graduate stealing the microphone
Why are you like this
What's a privilege people act as if it isn't??
Does anyone here have experience with Abilify?
What misconception are you tired of having to correct?
Reddit, what is the most eerie thing that's ever happened to you?
What is something you know is useless but you could waste eternity for?
What is one activity that will smack you out of a lazy-rut?
What's the worst movie you've ever seen?
What’s the most insulting thing someone has said to you that wasn’t meant to be insulting?