People really need to stop mag dumping all their ammo into poxwalkers.
Light out malestrome
Behind Enemy Lines is a terrible penance, and the Loner aura is useless.
Being called a nazi at work
Why do people play non thp zealot?
Wie albern ist der Name meiner Tochter auf Deutsch?
Idk what this is, but it looks correct
Jeez, stop speaking russian ...
Ideal setup for hindenburg?
anyone else struggeling with credits?
Most unpopular opinion ever: Napoli is overrated as hell
Surprise Surprise! Bro didn't even look at the mini-map. 2.1km Broadside to me? Are you blind? Better stay behind that island ;)
Tromp or Napoli - and why i shouldnt pick Archerfish
I failed to load into a game, and this was the screen I faced, any ideas what happened here? I looks like some car?
Is Taihang worth it??
Hunt or the Taihang
Man, what a bummer ... Was hoping to drop all my tokens on SCs, but nope
These ships look awesome to me. How do I get them?
What do you think about Duca d'Aosta? Is it worth it in 2025?
FINALLY! It only took a goddamn year and a half to get another trophy!
Bros I think I might be detected.
Why are CVs so inherently trashed on yet they are the most important piece of the puzzle in most games?
Bring back asymmetric battles. Happy player base ='s more players. More player's ='s more opportunity for money right? Does WGing understand & believe this?
Tell us what ship you are either grinding or saving for and we will tell you why you shouldn't bother.
Do i just need to spend 20k coal to finish the mings past thingy or do i need to spend all 3 20 token bundles just to get taihang????