Unpopular Stephen King opinions
What are you reading while waiting for red god?
Iron Gold is the best book in the series. Tell me I'm wrong!
Why book 3 will be vastly different than 1 and 2, whether or not Pat wants it to be
I’ve been spoiled.
News from PB!!
Fun post: State what year your raptor is and what you do for work!
One of the better GX550 reviews I've seen (from a guy who actually owns a 2023 460, instead of a generic journalist)
2022 with 26k miles for 69k. Good deal?
Making sense of the mixed 550 reviews on this sub
I'm about halfway through iron gold
Considering buying used (15k miles) BMW X7 and canceling my Lux+ order
im looking for a book with a badass male mc
According to Consumer Reports: F-150 reliability improved a ton for 2023 (and 2024 too, probably). Just traded in for a 2024 so I'm very happy!
Thought the 550 would be my dream car...
The BEST CASTING SO FAR. Everyone else has gotten it WRONG.
Do we already know the general plot of RED GOD?