HUGE and easy to replicate bug breaking game
whats the best thing vlads given everyone for you?
Kraken Slayer just isn't Aram buffed by the way
ARAM Balance Patch Notes
What is bravery for?
PBE Bugs and Feedback Thread: Arena
Riot Ducké’s X post about arena dropping today:
Let me in already
Arena Release Date + Tons of News
PSA: Please mind the super minions
PBE Bugs and Feedback Thread: ARURF
Ain't no way Howling Abyss is that tight
ended up hitting a 10 reroll lobby, haven't seen it in a while
When the match drags on a little too long
Arena will COME BACK in the Act 2 of this season
Game winning Malphite ult, was losing hard at that point.
What was your most played champ in arena 2024?
It's always fun to backdoor with Neeko
Question about missions
Changes on ARAM for 14.23 by Riot Phlox on Twitter
Current state of ARAM
Do people main a role in ARAM?
Getting real sick of this