Yugioh Cards with Yugioh cards in them
Can't believe I am watching the "Sky Striker" short animation cliffhanger unfold in DC. Konami better release next episode so 樱酱jk bro can make his next move. 😆
Droplet : Just like the good old days. ┌( ͝° ͜ʖ͡°)=ε/̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿ ̿💥💥
Does anyone know the soundtrack name when inside "Trial of Souls" ? I browsed both albums & still couldn't find it..... or is it unreleased?
Hi @Caedrel, just to inform that I went to Displate but didn't manage to find the poster that I wanted. Can you do something about it?
"I am telling you, this is much better than the axe!!"
My Duelist Cup experience so far…
Screw this DC
I've found gold
Should I stay or leave?
It does make me wonder, does this mean "Scheme of the Monarchs" is actually scheming against the Light Monarch? Coup?
real advice needed
The state of Ramadan Bazar these days
So I used Ghost Sisters against a Drytron, I'm surprised he didn't stop.
Why does think Koi pond is a good arena it ruins more games than not?
If my girl and mo ye are both drowning...
Ini macam pon boleh ka?
When you're an effect monster whose effect is only detrimental to your existence
Why Isn't Anyone Doing This Broken Combo?!?
Lil bro learning what "Contact Fusion from backrow" is all about.... first hand. 💀
What is this opening called? (Sorry, the video was too fast for me to screenshot)
I’ve been seeing this a bit lately, and I don’t get it.
Bahaya juga minum air kelapa ni
Just imagine if this was done in Malaysia
Now.... I wait for the Field Spell (Delta of Invitation)