Free mini reads
Dommes that do JOI are top notch
Judging men based on the clothes they wear ?
I had a 2 year long affair with a multimillionaire, AMA.
I feel violated and confused by what my fiancé did to me. WIBTAH if I told my parents?
Cat stuck on tree for more than 3 days
What happened after he caught your lies?
Hey there little ape buddy
Man from another city was going to fly out to meet me. I was really excited but now I'm worried he's NOT a catch
Free Readings Today - 2/17!
Free one card readings in the comment!
Happy valentine to those who are celebrating. One card pulls in the comments🦇
What’s the weirdest thing you believed as a kid?
How does the Russian drone strike on Chernobyl affect us Americans and the rest of the world?
Whose that one person you hate in your family and why?
Why are you alone this Valentines?
Free readings for reviews.
FREE Short Readings: What do I pick up from you?
3 Free Readings
Which careers do provider men most likely have?
Your most recent level up?
Do you have to remove the tattoo to get it done again?
How to ask for maid service?
(27) 5 years into homelessness and fentanyl/meth addiction vs (30) 2.5 years sober and engaged to the love of my life