19k & 4 in ranked
The Snails and Stripes
i cosplayed a wired lain to con but everyone thought i was from LiS so i changed to pedobear lain;3
Does anyone know a good combo for this headgear??
kitten growling, whats wrong?
A quick question to those Who read the comics
Can’t decide if I want this or not. I’m very torn. It’s $30. Could add a tight belt if I do decide to buy it
Can’t decide if I want this jumpsuit or not. It’s $30. If I buy it I could also add a tight belt to it
Wash Time
Uhm… are they having snex?
Would you try it?
i’m bored at work,send me the least funny photo on ur phone
Dad I dropped wax on my carpet. I don’t own an iron and I rent
I dropped wax on my carpet. I don’t own an iron and I rent
Mom I dropped wax on my carpet. I don’t own an iron and I rent
I just learned about these moss cakes and I need other people to ooo and ahh with me
Should I paint the doors the same Green as the rest?
Eating Schlatt because i had a bad day
I'm bored can you guys spell pizza wrong (image unrelated)
Pants this high waisted
Is this good and safe?
Say their name ❤️