Favourite misheard lyric?
What are some songs you would recommend to a non metal listener by A7X?
Tell me your favorite song and I’ll give you a brief interpretation of its lyrics.
This is how I picture Syn playing his riff at the beginning of Sidewinder
Day 5 of asking your opinions on random songs, today's song is Acid Rain
How does every 16 to 20 yo on insta have such a great physique? All while being vegetarian and natty?
Does training actually make you more horny?
How the actual fuck do people consume 180g of protein?
Do you use any of the band's songs as your alarm?
if you were stuck in a room, with wich musician would you feel the safest?
I (28F) have been in LDR with my (30M) boyfriend. For those in LDRs, what’s the longest you and your partner have consistently talked in a day?
What's your fav slipknot song? I'll go first
Hail to the King
Which Anime Opening
Why did syn make that weird movement, did he stub his toe?
Only the OGs know this riff
What song is this for you?
VHP and Bajrang Dal are here to save Bengal from Valentine's Day
How many packets does it take to satisfy you?
What do y'all think the worst album is
American Metal or European Metal. You can only listen to one for the rest of your life. Which do you choose?
Death metal/core vocalists have the most normal looking face with the most brutal screams.
Any other genz in here?
Rogaa kikore hobo?
What's your Top 5 best songs from their 'metalcore' phase?