A quiet communion with the hills and open sky.
Male/30/6’5/237lbs intro and advice share.
Should I dye my facial hair?
Château fort de Rambures, France 🇫🇷
Excellent photography ❤️🥰
I work from home - and every time I hang up a call, this is what I see at my office door…
What would you call my hair color?
The gym might be doing its job... I want six pack abs 😭 .. why is it so hard
No one prepared me for the cuteness in Akureyri!
Jaina is ready for bed
Fresh snow in southern Minnesota
[31] Life flies by 😭
At 50, Im just trying to maintain. Any opinions?
My two girls, Storm and Rogue, always use each other as a pillow :D
Welcome Toby!
Intense rain but relaxing sound 🌨
What are these clouds called?
The best donuts are at Don Us Company - Buenos Aires, Argentina
Happy shower 😇
40 Ohio, Which look is preferred?
If you could send an anonymous message to anyone in your life, with no consequences or responses. What would you say and who would it be to?
Her favorite spot
I'm a mean daddy because dinner is in a long time
Our two stinky boy misfits that we spoil
Couldn’t stay awake