What’s your comfort episode?
Just love these morning snuggles with my 19 year old kitty (Phoebo) and my 4 year old pups (Benny). ❤️
Who do you side with?
Which Robin Sparkles/Daggers Song Is Your Personal Favorite?
My solar powered pups
Kiss marry or befriend
The worst fight scene in the entire series
I always thought this was a cute detail
When it hits 70 in Chicago
The last thing you ate will be his name.
Which dog is cuter
I love how the characters actually laugh at each others jokes
How many of you guys Still watch How I met Your Mother?
Show funny 0.5 pics of your dog
Rate her smile 1-10
Happy 4th Birthday, Benny 🍰🎂
Which duo would you like a spin-off of?
Benny enjoying the sun…
What was going on in these promo pics💀
Who are you picking?
Personality pic! Drop yours below
Who was your favorite character and why.
What’s the new we should buy a bar?
Which pic of Neko would you pick for a gold frame
feeling kinda down today, got any dogs to cheer me up?