I’m oddly proud of my print writing too
Alphabet Practice
Aggressively Staggered Textura Duplici
Work-life balance quote from a redditor.
The Manhattan, by me, 12x16, acrylic on canvas
I crocheted these little bunnies for those who have kids to surprise this Easter
Finished my first blanket!
ISO the pattern for this blanket or something similar
Hi guys! I’m new member here!
Wedding congratulations! What do you think? Cream envelope or black?
Offhand Flourishing Bird inspired from Madarazs !
This crazy cool but messy style
Adult trying to improve handwriting
What can I improve?
Bringing a fluffy poodle to life with needle felting sculpture fills me with so much joy
Let It Grow
I practice with my non-dominant hand. Have you?
More foundational practice
I've had an idea in my head for a while. Finally found the perfect moment to bring it into reality! This is stitched by hand. Took forever!!
Is my handwriting neat and legible?
Black/Green Uncial
Birdhouse Rock
This is the most cursive i could cursive
ever seen ragged gothic made with a folded?