Why does Navani badmouth Elhokar so much
Strongest non-Viltrumites
Is Nolan the 3rd strongest pureblooded Viltrumite?
Settle this once and for all, Conquest vs. Omniman
Too Many Fake-out Deaths
My take on Brisingr
Consistent nickname for a Pokemon?
What does Invincible do better than Marvel and DC?
Is Eldest considered the worst of the series?
Drop your pick!
Who would win in a battle now that Conquest’s proven his strength
For some reason this has been a debate on Twitter. Who wins?
3/10 Ragebait
Totally not bias👀
What is your favorite spell, miracle, or pyromancy?This is mine
Which team wins?
Successfully defended my PhD yesterday. I don’t use social media other than Reddit, so I don’t really have a place to put this.
Suyin Beifong vs. Kuvira
Green bubble hate is real
What do you think is the best souls boss ever made?
Mistborn Era 1 Meme Dump with little to no context
What game is this?
Geodude (sort of) made out of pistachio shells
How do you rate Odyssey on a scale of 1 to 10?