Female Author Similar to Guy Gavriel Kay?
Thoughts on new record?
Thoughts on The Overview
Once was enough
Fiancé painted and did the trim in our kitchen. I don't like it, he says I'm just a hater. Thoughts?
The Overview greyed out on Apple Music?
female authors with names that get mistaken for men like Robin Hobb?
What are your favorite master-apprentice relationships in fantasy?
What would you recommend to someone's favorite part of SW is the whole trade, economic and political side of the Clone Wars?
What book/series did you (in retrospect) wait too long to read?
Do the Murderbot sequels develop more substance?
The Faithful and the Fallen.
I want some *strange* fantasy. What's out there?
What fantasy series have you read that was never finished by the author but should have been?
The Poppy Wars Trilogy
In light of the recent allegations against Daniel Greene, who are some of your favorite fantasy creators?
SFF books coming in February 2024
Predictions for 2024 Hugo Nominees (Novel Category)?
Per Deadline's Justin Kroll, Taika Waititi's next film is likely to be 'Akira' at WB - "He never left the film and word is script should be into studio soon... sounds like all his focus is on that project."
Wanted: (Very) Far Future SF with a very optimistic outlook?
Cosmic horror recommendations
A modest plea: when requesting recommendations for "hard SF" can you PLEASE define what you mean by that?
Starting a Horror Bookstore - What Would You Want?
Novels NOT critical of religion or shines it in a bad light?
Novel about crime on the moon?