More screenies of the Devil you know
Wedding photoshoot
Got a new graphics card and the result is awesome
What's better, than a devil you don't know?
Have some Kith'rak Astarion
Date night with fireworks
Having some fun (while clothed)
Spa-Day part 2
Enjoying a Spa-Day together
Just a pretty portrait
Astarion x Kikyo - Maestro (MV) / WARNING! FLASHING LIGHTS!
If my kids ever ask me what BDSM is
So i heard his little laugh here for the first time after like 3400+ hours and why is he so adorable sometimes
Why is he so perfect
My Kith'raks Transformations (Ascended Astarion HC's)
Slayer appreciation
Kikyo x Astarion - RUSH (NSFW MV)
Happy New Year! Quick New Years vid of AA x F!Tav set to Rosenfeld "Like U"
F!Gnome x AA - Camp scene act 3 as requested by u/yesindeedysir
Where are my AA fans at? ❤️🖤
I think I figured out why straight haired Astarion makes me uncomfortable...
I just need him
These hands... he can do things to me