Need a logo designed for a t-shirt
Question to the new players: Do you enjoy ranked?
How to not get totally smacked
Tech and VA Disability
Negotiating a higher step
What should I call this beauty?
Its quite spacious under Baldur's Gate
So if we're all about AR 670-1 now...
Saw a dude today take off his hat when he walked into Walmart then put it back on after standing still for a second. TYFYS Sir
You guys know games where the narrator change the enviroment while you play?
whats a game that you got significantly far into, only to realize you were doing something wrong or missing a key feature/ability altogether?
Early seperation
Just got a promotion. Very scared.
Detroit RSP
I am attending my first day of Phase 0 OCS on Friday. Will I get smoked not having everything on the packing list.
Today I found out I’m a prisoner.
Could Guard troops get free TRICARE? This state might become the first
We'll Find A Way, Eh!
Per diem rate
How do I get terrible soldiers kicked out
When CSM retires and buys up rental properties
Landlord says my lawn doesn't pass inspection.
Soldiers share the most unusual conversations and theories when they are bored. What is the best/funniest/weirdest convos you talked about while you were waiting for ?
So, ARNG, ya'll want a HIGHER OPTEMPO??
What was the point of this symbol on our old PT shirts?