Do you think homeless emperor is a monster and could he eat a monster cell?
Anyone else think Boichi is trolling with this series?
Why do so many gamers hate Debra Wilson?
[DISC] The Marshal King - Chapter 6
Do you think big mom should have been left out of wano and instead been in elbaf
Creators/directors/etc. that are practically as popular as the media they're known for
Giorno pose found in Macy’s app
Crazy theory about bucket head
What would happen if the galactic empire invaded earth?
Who are you bringing back?
You have the power to remove one song from existence and nobody will remember it. What song do you choose?
one thing you can never say about ikemoto is that’s he’s bad at character design
Trump says it is illegal to boycott Tesla
What’s the funniest album title a pop artist has come up with that makes you lol?
Small light mouse recommendation
Theory on new character
Favorite character who suffered a fate worse than death?
That thing they were in maybe wasn’t the Best, but man they were GREAT in it
Didn’t know she balled like that! Mai playing with the wrong mystics…
The 5 month time skip happened in chapter 190
What was your reaction seeing this panel for the first time?
The 5 month Timeskip does make sense. Yoshida says a week has passed **before** Denji is knocked out again. It is never stated how long he was in prison for.
Who do you think would win in a fight between Captain Marvel and Scarlet Witch?