Match Report - Agents vs World Eaters
Illiyan Nastase, Half-Eldar astropath, Navigator proxie
Police Commissioner Entourage (Rogue trader proxy)
Imperial Agents Had the Lowest Win Rate of Any Faction This Weekend (37%)
Sisters of Battle, the Immolator, and Infiltrate
Flight from Tehran to Erbil, can someone help confirm the cost for me?
Wich big knight for a crusade?
Newcomer to 40k, need advice
MFM Points Update (Taken from Art of War's latest video)
Tournament winner 5-0
Dice Roller app that can account for units with a million different weapons?
Has anyone visited the Sundarbans in Bangladesh? Any idea of reasonable tour prices?
Happy 8th year anniversary on the 2nd Kickstarter 🥳
Sipadan/Mabul or East Indonesia - Best Diving in SEA?
Chaos dwarves!
Worth staying on Keramashoto/Iriomote (in Okinawa), or better to ferry in from the city?
Worth staying on Keramashoto or Iriomote (in Okinawa), or better to ferry over from the mainland?
Busyness in late October, and would we have to pre-book flights and lodging?
South Africa vs Kenya which provides a more unique african non-white culture?
How much is there to play
Drop your warband’s lore below👇
Anyone still using a FP3?
Unbeatable snotlings - advice needed
Tip for gamblers chest- use a ribbon for your philosophy booklets
Poll Results! CDR4 E9 "Debut Singles" aka The Finale!