Finished this drawing today, Coloured pencils on paper !!
[Drawing of an AP] did this artwork with colored pencils
Made this pastel drawing of a pitty!! ✏️
[Drawing of Fp journe] did this drawing with colored pencils on paper !!
Sharing a drawing i made with this pastel pencils ✏️
Did this drawing with pastel pencils !!
Made this drawing of a golden retriever with pastel pencils !!
Did this Drawing of ceramic piece again!! I used color pencils on paper ✏️
I made this drawing of these adorable dogs with pastel pencils ✏️
Did this pastel drawing of a lovely dog for someone!
Drawing of two adorable dogs!! I used pastel pencils on paper!
Sharing a Drawing of dogs, i used pastel pencils on paper✏️
Did this with soft pastel pencils !! On pastel mat
I made this drawing of a dog!!
Sharing a drawing i made with soft pastels !! A cute dog!!!
I made this drawing of a pitbull
Did this drawing of a pitbull ✏️
Drawing of a pitbull !! Done with soft pastel pencils on paper
I made this drawing with soft pastel pencils!!
Drawing of a pitbull, i used pastel pencils to draw this on paper.
I made this drawing with soft pastels pencils !! It took me 100+ hours
I couldn’t be happier with the results!
Drawing of a dog!! Done with pastel pencils