This thumbnail from my favorite spanish streamer goes really hard so i screenshotted it
How can i make my Titania build better?
Monochrome (Saryn)
New player here i only play Dawnbreaker so ¿wich hero should i choose if Dawnbreaker gets banned?
my railjack doesn't get destroyed so easily
MkI Zakti plating pls save me
So im a endgame player but i usually feel overwhelmed and i dont remember what content that there is to do because i been playing games with a linear progression recently ¿can someone help me with not knowing what to do?
Edmund Mcmillen and Bob Ross image found on the steam patch notes.
Some photos i took today and the last one is from a week ago
My drawing of the Forsaken killers
¿Wich killer do you like playing the most and why?(image related)
Chat I'm a certified hacker now
¿Any tips for making a main bus?
[EPILEPSY WARNING] why does my game after i alt tab does this? also it sometimes freezes too.
[Khora]Terraria harpy
Massive Fashion Dump here! Which one is the Best?
[Saryn] Flame Blossom
¿Why is Titania Donann´s butt and boobs bigger compared to the other Titania skins?,i just wanted to do a xbox controller fashion
¿How am i supposed to hit people with Springtrap´s axe?
Pokemon in Webfishing
Which of these monsters should be my first ever diamond
Too many relics opened this year and a little bit of whips
If you play killer please try to kill the survivors don´t be friendly just kill them.
First time making ivara skins, which one is the best?