The most terrifying scene for me and a thing I don't understand - S02E07
I am using Jane Austen as a way of coping with *gesture all around* this - but I need a new point of view
How is this trend going in Italy?
"They all voted for Trump" on a reel about women in Italy voting for the first time. In 1946.
Season 2 is now, finished. One final episode you can't forget.
So... I'm trans
Only EU Chocolate. Best quality!
Share your favorite european author!
Update: I work for the Otto group - what would be your ideas or needs to make us the best "Amazon for EU" alternative?
Let me share this little satisfaction - Re: Amazon
Happy Birthday, Douglas Adams!
"Black is only used in America" / "You are LATINX not BLACK"
Did any of you live through Freddie Mercury's death?
Anyone else "potted" their succulents?
Americans have the freedom to eat any food they want. In Europe, food production is heavily regulated (amount of sugar, color, etc) in drinks, food.
Something I wish was touched on more with Susan
Monstrous Regiment hit harder these days
Everyone wear black in support of the department of education.
Couldn't help but think of Hitchens when I saw the current US Secretary of State...
To older Europeans - has there ever been a time where America was seen as such an untrusted country?
Any not USA crockpot brands?
Why do Europeans like DIY (Do it yourself)?
Daily Slow Chat
Do people really hate the meandering episodes of S02? Cuz I love the whole thing 🤷
"The Ghost That Screamed" The Story Of A 16 Year Old Boy Who Died In ACar Crash On His Way To A Concert With His Friends. circa 1984