Rate me /10
16 80kg 5'9 3rd year of gym
75kg 16
I feel lost
Gonna stop using Reddit for a bit
To stay up all day or sleep, that is the questing
Do u guys think it's weird to have celeb crushes or is that normal lol?
“come on do something cool” like some massive event or something give us the nerve gear from sao or have a zombie apocalypse
You ever heard a guitar solo or riff so beautiful you shed a tear?
Any brits?
What's ur guys favorite video game?
What is a weird combo that you guys like?
If you could have any haircut without being judged, what would it be?
Do u guys play any sports
I need someone to tell me what some of the new slang means
What music nobody know that you’re listening to ?
Name at least one of your insecurities.
Ive reached a new level of boredom
What's something everyone likes that u dont?
animal emojis i love
I have something for everyone! :)
WARNING: do NOT lookup "Triatoma sanguisuga" on Google.
safe for today 🤞
i love money, and i love sleep, and i love myself, and i love u, and i love God
So Who Was Gonna Tell Me Project 2025 Is Gonna Criminalize Porn? 🫠