Doubt regarding choosing college.
University of Hong Kong bread!! 🍞🇭🇰
Admission guidance
Should I switch to state board (PUC) from CBSE for 11th JEE prep along with dummy. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Please give me your opinions on this
Arjuna jee 2026 faculty review by 26tard for 27tards
Waitlist movement this year
ivy day in 10 days!!
How many of you got BU email ?
Trump’s travel ban
Profile of one of this year's Caltech accepted student from India
Grad school of information security
accidentally withdrew my bucknell engineering app
I just got accepted into UC San Diego in California USA, AMA!
Should I Consider Applying For SAT?
Humble opinion of a 28tard.
Indian + International + CS + Need-aid (Halfway update)
r/A2C Mod Apps
UMD RD date?
Wasted potential.
Khud tum log padhe nhi and naye bachho ko demotivate kr rhe