Where can I post this?
Is Christianity actually declining in America?
Ending of District 9
Thoughts about Minority report
[OC] Change in support for same sex marriage in the US
Discover page on Bumble is always empty?
Religious Map of Europe
Steak 'n Shake fries no longer vegetarian
MTEL Preliminary Teaching License?
If the system cannot provide us with Healthcare, social security, or even a living wage, then what's the point?
Christians down voting me for leaving the faith
Is eating meat every day bad? And is repetitive eating bad?
My son wanted to attend a religious dinner and we said no
So, those of you who are completely out of Christianity, where do you sit now?
When did you realise Christianity is fake?
Realizing if I'd been born somewhere else I wouldn't believe
If you died and met the Christian God you once believed in, what would you ask him?
6 months of sobriety changed my face [30] to [31]
Do you think improved literacy would severely damage Christianity?
This made me so mad
Am I the only one that is disappointed by the ending of Naruto shippuden?
Decline of religion in the U.S.
I want to learn Vietnamese, but I don't know where to start.
Would you guys like to see Dungeoneering in osrs as a minigame (not a skill)?