Can we see gta v free again?
Taliban trying to fly US Blackhawk. How hard can it be? Seems to be going well.
Can we expect the coin to get more value soon?
At least 50$ doing nothing
If you died as an atheist and then met God, what would you say to him?
All the Horses are Screaming
Repurposing content doesn't work?
The best way to learn calisthenics skills ?
Why it feels strange to play minecraft again?
How old were you when AOT came out?
How to overcome AOT ending emptiness feeling?
I have been watching Attack on Titan since my early teens and it's over now. What do I do? I have so many things to do but I feel frozen.
Do you guys lack lower chest gains when doing only push ups?
This is a list of the books I read and I recommend it too:
Is this a fake Drone? I found this on Aliexpress on a cheap price, and I'm confused
My 2023 principles
If you could change one thing about you, what would it be?