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Death metal cover of the carol of the old ones, hope you guys like it
Bot na conta do instagram
Deleted spotify links still showing
First playthrough since beta, am i the only one tp have this idea lol? Alsp appreciate tips on how the game has changed
Changing char skin on older versions of minecraft
How to face the chosen of cyric encounter on scs insane?
Unused Edwin Portrait from BG 1
Mixed parties are the best. Viccy has the best jabs.
I can understand why Korgan is a lot of people's favorite companion
How to defeat kanggaxx second form on SCS without cheese?
Who will win in a fight for a dead pig? Drizzt or Holga?
Maximum content.
Favorite sound effects?
Imagine removing gay people from a game called Baldurs Gay 3
Writing in SoD Needlessly Annoying?
How to approach combat
Is there a drow portrait for the half orc portrait?
Funny mishap with reputation
Need some motivation to do ToB
Strength 18/00
Are single class thieves just dead weight?
"Everything is a Dump Stat" vs Charisma Enjoyer...
Rogue Rebalancing Mod
Wizard slayer rebalancing - Item Restrictions