Please, stop, you don't have to compensate anything! You don't need to give it all!
Being unwanted feels
Will pay via PayPal for converting a PDF to Czech audio using Natural Reade
Any Czech university students with dyslexia here?
C-PTSD isn't everything
Am I the only one who after therapy started noticing how many people are traumatised?
What made you not give up on yourself?
it's never too late
I can't function or hold down a job
Two doctors talking about AvPD
Some people measure their guns in HFICKM
What just happened?
Are we doomed (based on who's choosing to become a therapist)?
I have 650k extra resource what should I add
I love this whole "create an image based on my username" thing so much 👾🪻
I shouldn't have to become a trauma expert for a chance to heal
when reading Ebooks in calibre view it freezes from time to time, any advice?
what is the most underrated feature in a human?
How come Lesbians don't participate in cruising like gay men do?
Sending a Marauder into space... Without it's consent
How do I get better at ftd
When the brain goes dark the Limbic Brain Going Paf-Paf-Paf, Bum-Bum-Bum
Was there a reason to change the camera system 😭
If you could tell your 25-year-old self one thing, what would you say?(cptsd、cfs)
Where you are is where you need to be