Never give up
First Images from 'Mortal Kombat II'
When the villain with no redeemable qualities shows a rare moment of weakness/regret
Your very favorite gun
what is going on here? Wrong answers only
Characters who are infamously known for one thing
Who is the hottest pairing with Miranda
If you played this game, prove it by either quoting it or following up on someone else’s quote
I just wanted him to be a lifter for the old bad batch
Butt ugly or downright cursed looking characters
Weekly Questions Thread & PokéROM Codex
Pokemon Stardrop
Snake shenanigans
If this bumper became canon and the Silver Surfer actually became a new neighbor, how differently do certain episodes play out?
Weird request for a pet rescue
What is the bowl/hump on the back of a Turian’s neck? What does it do? What is its purpose?
So…Can I make a Garruk Commander with these cards?
What movie came out WAY past when it should've?
As requested, we're doing the opinions chart again... with Roger personas only! Day 1: Which Roger persona is a good person and loved by fans?
Remember the first movie that got you teared up and how old you were?
Please don't ban me AC!!!!!
(Adored Trope) Sure, I'm a coward, but I will go to Hell and back to protect the people I love, even if I'm pissing my pants while I'm doing it.
Redesigns that enraged fans
The evil CEO in fiction
DAY 4 - What episode of Family Guy do you think is the Saddest/Most Beautiful?