And there she was, naked and spread open in the woods, like a feast for the hungry and in his hunger between her legs he buried deep.
When the woman he met at a bar suggested a they try something different sexually, the young man nervously agreed.
I have financially ruined my family, and the IRS is set to claim my house and pension.
"You promised you'd forgive me if I made a big mistake..." my girlfriend stated as she showed me the lye and a bonesaw
She looked into the well and joking she shouted at the darkness "I see you!".
The crack in the mirror kept growing across his face like a knife through a piece of ham.
He faced her ghost holding her bones, knowing the ritual would finally get rid of the spectre that hunted his house.
"I'm so sorry to hear about your son.", she offered.
My daughter has always been scared of thunderstorms so it didn’t startle me when I felt her slip into the bed between me and my wife.
Trembling to the tip of its tail, the wolf begged "eat me and spare my offspring!".
I’ll never forget the look of adoration on my girlfriend’s face after I saved her from falling off the cliff’s edge.
"My son would never hurt a soul!" screamed the mother at the principal.
"For everything I did, I'm deeply sorry..." said the old man between tears with his last breath, while holding tight the small woman's hand.
It was around the time she saw the 5th targeted ad for Ozempic she knew she had to make a change
I always took it as a compliment when people said I'm just as beautiful as my late mother.
While cleaning my silencer, I scroll through the details of my next contract, until I see the target’s name and recognize the giggling boy from next door who waves at me every morning.
It started with birds and pets, then kids and elders, and finally every man and woman the disease rotted to death within days.
As the beast grew closer, the priest fell to his knees praying "our Father, who art in heaven..."
There’s a guy in my neighborhood who kidnaps local residents and tortures them.
It’s been 700 years and I’ve fully accepted the fact I’m the last living thing on earth except for maybe bacteria or viruses.
I signed the contract, my soul for my wife's pregnancy not to fail this time.
"Is there a monster under my bed?" asked the kid to the empty room.
I watched as my husband was strapped to the electric chair for poisoning me.
I was told that I was only allowed to use one sentence to prove my worth to the world, or I would die.
When leaving my daughter's doctor appointment, we saw an empty wheelchair in the hallway and she exclaimed "That's for me!"