What’s a scam that people still fall for, no matter how obvious it is?
What has gradually disappeared over the last ten years without people really noticing?
What’s a modern trend you hope disappears in the next 5 years?
Can a former 204b be a union steward?
Holiday work
Basic research on if Privatization or moving to Commerce is a reality to fear
Nalc Constitutional changes are needed for this union going foward.
Our collective bargaining rights as union members died last night…
Renfroes emergency Executive Council meeting is because someone leaked the last offer details
Last offer was 1.3, 1.6, 1.7 Took away the 1000k step p Took away one step. Ptfs started at 1$ less and hour
NALC's "fight like hell" rally
Recieved my survey
What's a fair percentage?
Anyone who thinks this is nonsense and it’s not happening is in denial. We’ve reached the end-game.
Will 2025 be the year we finally get a raise?
Mail-handlers getting a one-time early retirement offer.
Recommend me a game please
Don't hurt their feelings ☹️
What is our Postmaster General and bosses doing? Amazon and UPS between them generate almost 40 billion. And somehow we are 9 billion in the red? We deliver e commerce packages. A trillion dollar market. Is it seriously the staff? The decline in letters?
Fuck NALC and their social media!
We had a discussion during our last Game Night. Is Orange allowed to place a village at the Marked Spot?
I’m delivering 7 ballots to my fellow carriers today. The time has come!
Has anyone successfully killed 1564-A