Missed out on a very rewarding hunt
The first master rank boss is unveiled
Moments like these are why I'll never put down the charge blade
Reworking swords to be about more than just the Impact stat:
TIFU by not putting on a condom, leading to ER Visit.
Totally accurate, not at all made up facts about Heresy that are super canon (Part 1)
What Secret Builds Are You Running This Season?
So, how are we hunters feeling about On the Prowl?
Arc is in a really good place right now and they should not nerf it
Strange, Serious Glitch Happening Across The Game And No Idea What Causes It…
New Eververse item holochips
How likely is a taken subclass with episode Heresy being taken focused?
repulsor brace + destabilising rounds how to farm?
Post Patch Raneiks is a Solo Experience Disaster
Thoughts on the upcoming "On The Prowl" aspect for void hunter?
Controller Player - Button Config for charged/uncharged melee?
Come again?!
Tonics are a cool as fuck addition and I’m tired of pretending they’re not
Perfectly balanced, as all things should be
What are some games similar or scratch that Destiny 2 itch? Those that quit the game or taking a break what games have y’all moved on to?
Non-exotic bows desperately need a reason to be used in PvE. Ideas for new frames/perks?
Let's come up with some new modifiers
Rake Angle Discussion
The fact that you can hit the ether siphon wisps is stupid and annoying