What are you starting to love more as you get older?
the chat in a hazard 5+ mission be like:
It’s wild my nation is slipping into an illiberal dictatorship and my life is just normal.
I'll likely never own my own home and it makes me want to kill myself
TikTok isn’t what it used to be.
32 years old, not skilled and have myself to blame. I feel like I'm done
What's been the most overwhelming part of living alone for you?
Men of reddit. What makes a woman creepy?
Every Drillers' fantasy:
Why do you think it's hard for people to find their ideal career path nowadays?
How. The fuck. Are people so fit. Barely trying?
What machine made you feel way weaker than you thought it would?
My dad had a stroke
Serious question.. how are people affording rent?
The calorie count on this treadmill is insane 😂
29 today, i like talking to older people because they are wise and mature any advice is appreciated.
Whoever posted that catwalks can snap to machines, you have changed my life... Lmao
Locks on lockers
Millennials who look young for your age, what's your secret? What do you do?
Always thought pf was a meme?
Who was you crush from the hunger games movies when they were released and why?
Do you uses the terrain to kill dreadnough ?
My friend told me to reset my save, is my factory cooked?
I’m not saying it’s true, but… something about billionaires, space, and Earth’s resources isn’t adding up.