How long have you been watching Smosh?
It’s obviously the new Patreon logo
Most you’ve ever paid for a CD?
Alternatives to Xev?
How did you discover H.I.M?
is patreon worth it?
Need new music to listen to!
Which games releasing this year are a day one must purchase for you?
Balamb Garden cafeteria won for Best local cuisine place, What is the Place to avoid on FFVIII?
Happy birthday, Dearest Dan!
Got a double dipping of blink in the mail
Why do people hate on long albums / background listens?
Who is she (wrong answers only)
I ended up watching them both
So, Mr. Door is ...
Give me some rare songs
Do You Listen To What You Collect?
Remember the time Conan bought one of the most expensive cars in the world just to piss off NBC during his last week on late night.
What is a pair of records that you own that are so drastically different
Latest pick up
Who is he (wrong answers only)
How’d i do? picked up 52 records this morning for $50 at a garage sale
Are you cooked or Nah?
What is your favorite album track transition? That is, where one track transitions into another in a way so good you have to listen to them together.