He finally came with balloons
How many coins do you get from the Ferris wheel?
Do i have a chance to get the 50 gems?
Got him !!!!!
بوست غريب..
Do i have a chance?
Why does it say I have 2 available characters but when I try to do a task, it says I have none?
Do the Fusion Tokens Only Use Decorations In the Inventory or Does It Use Placed Decorations Too?
How would you decorate your areas?
Which mlp gen looks the cutest?
My gems got refunded! Usually they don’t refund u twice but they gave me an exception :)
Is tree hugger ever going more cheaper on sale than this?
These two decorations are the cutest 🥹🥹
Guess I’m done with daily goals
Free event ponies
This is the worst. Now I’m broke in gems and coins and I still won’t get the pokey😭
Anyone else still stuck on the previous event?
ليه اغلب الوطنجيه خرفان؟
I literally spent over 140 gems for nothing
فطوركم شوط ولا شوطين؟.