Elder Millennials: What was the first DVD you can recall either buying (or your parents buying) or owning?
What historical "fact" did you learn in school, that later turned out to be completely wrong or misrepresented?
The owner had depression and I cleaned her home for free
Tips on acquiring trip killers?
I see your gels tabs and I raise you Dr. Seuss blotters.
Information Entropy haul
Jackson Oswalt, a 12-Year-Old Kid Who Achieved Nuclear Fusion in His Bedroom Back in 2018. Even Got a Visit from the FBI.
Raves were better in the 90s. Any og ravers/kandi kids here ?
I just broke a $5,000.00 bottle of Remy Martin Louis XIII Cognac at work
Age yourself with a movie you saw in theatres as a kid!
Auto Theft should be a felony regardless of the value of the vehicle.
Who’s this rapper? Wrong answers only
Spell blast
True north 7 gram jars
Close ups for wor/disrupt with lens off
Found cleaning an apartment: iPod nano and 15+ year old bag of weed.
Winds of rath and disrupt.
Name this band
Dolly Parton, 1989
Wor/disrupt microscope shots
This a signature?
new post for back of card
What do I have here?