if you could telepathically say something that all 7.8 billion people on earth could hear at once, what would it be?
Play Genshin Impact with Elite Controller?
Genshin Impact with Elite Controller?
Kalorien auf Speisekarte schreiben?
Verkürzte scheide nach Hysterektomie
Schaffe es nicht, abzunehmen!
Feeling a little low, send me your cat's picture and I will draw a portrait of them. I will choose 2-3 randomly because they take time. 💙
Semmerl/Weckerl zum Fertigbacken vorbereiten
What's the worst pain that you've ever experienced?
Erfahrung mit magenspiegelung?
Can MiBand Alarms have names?
I think this is one of the best mechanics of the game
Eine Freundin hat mir gebeichtet, dass sie beim Clubben regelmäßig sexuell belästigt wird. Was soll ich jetzt machen?
Nachbar beschwert sich über mein tägliches Duschen und fordert Geld. Was tun?
Worst case scenario for a roadster
If every person within 1 mile of you suddenly turned into zombies right now, what are the odds that you could escape?
Not too difficult games with exploration and puzzles [PC]
If you could magically be fluent in another language, which one would you choose?
Which brand do you boycott for a petty reason ?
Erste Periode
Actually, do they have internet at all?
People who don't want children what is your biggest reasons?
Daily Questions Megathread (March 16, 2025)
Anyone playing Genshin looking for German language sub
[Megathread] Weekly Simple Questions and Team/Character Building Megathread.