Entire Cash App bank account deactivated
Cross posted, this was posted in one of the boys FB groups. This is not me but i can contact the person if needed. This makes me so mad...
Dumpster Diving?? Has anyone tried this?
Another absolutely amazing rom hack, I haven't done anything post game yet but this was a lot of fun.
Anyone that got merch this year from grey day
Got this from a pizzeria
I love my El Dorado but holy shit
Your username is now you're wife or girlfriend , how amazing & successful is date & marriage life ?
Top 50 Kanye West Songs According to RateYourMusic
I found this at work today
[INFO] VJump Reveal - Gimmick Puppet
My mom passed away today
Random question. Which non-effect fusion monsters do you love/like? Reasons can be anything. Also the pic has most but not all of them.
What are y'all favourite decks?
[PHNI] Twitter Reveal - New Spell
Who was your first ever shiny? (Not including guaranteed ones)
$80 to Fill Gas tank...Wtf
Duelist Nexus Tokusano Shinkyojin LV10 Trade-In/Advance Draw
OU players typing rapid spin into the RU team builder
countdown rule.jpeg
Sometimes I’m aware I’m dreaming. Does it mean anything?
Any future vinyl releases or reprints?
I love my Skrunkly gremlin. I got back into Pokemon with Violet
Father: 14-year-old daughter took own life after videos posted of her getting beat up in N.J. school
Should the school and bullies who posted the video online be responsible for her death?