What is your most FUN PS4/PS5 game?
Weird pixel-y “motion blur”?
Youtube audio but no Spotify audio
Where does the gpu go
What do I need to upgrade to run older/midrange games?
Idk anything about PC specs, how is this for gaming
Struggling to stick to a main. Need help
Happy valentine day everyone 🔥
This patch - totally fine, yes
Why does apex do this
It's apex's cake Day ! what was your favorite season?
Loba is completely balanced👍
13% response curve
Is the "throw pick" real in ranked?
Why am I being downvoted?
Back button movement layout help
A collection of apex gaping me
Help! What next?
Best psvr2 game?
Revert Pathfinder's grapple changes
Thoughts on the support meta?
This season is miserable to play as any class other than support unless you are significantly better than your opponents
The number of average players in Apex is gradually decreasing. What would you recommend ??
Is seer gonna get buffed, or is he just not a legend anymore?