AI Trooper at 42SAR at Sungei Gedong
Anyone still yet to receive their Coinbase $88 promotion incentive rewards?
Pursue passion or money for uni degree? My passion happens to be Maths
Will putting nus BBA as 2nd choice ruin my chances
71rp go where
21 years old with $100k, what's the best way to invest the money
21 years old with $100k, what should I do so I can double it in 5 years
VIP Experience at KIOF world tour
General Paper D grade... Possible to still enter local uni?
Is my A level result good enough to apply NUS ISE or NTU Biz?
Can’t Cope with my results
74.25rp want psych
Applying to NTU MAE
is buyee not partnered with mercari jp anymore??
Chances of Success for GP appeal
A level GP E… can go anywhere?
Does ABA help getting into out of reach courses?
Biz nus?
NTU Application - ABA or direct
Crashing out
What’s the rarest piece of Merch you own?
my kpop collection