Hobbies that don't require much energy?
Hearing Kurtis defend the new Shrek
Do you have "visual misophonia" also?
Immunocompromised and can't afford health care. March for our cause today.
Suicidality every month
Interns: how are you affording this?
Monkey Mountain can someone explain the lore behind it?
Kansas City protest?
How do I bridge the disparaty between lvl 1 and lvl 2+3 autistics?
Sore throat always turning into strep?
Looking for group to do Artist's Way together
Dr. Kanayama in New York?
Therapist shut me down when I brought up autism and told me I don't have it.
brazier/lamp post recipes missing after purchase??
ISO internal medicine doc (ME/CFS)
I actually DO have autism!
3-yr-old male cat, severe back pain, fever
Therapy or anti-depressants ?
*Trigger warning* What do neuro typical people dislike in autistic women?
Does anyone else have no friends?
Loved one with fibromyalgia. I don't think I can take it anymore.
What songs have lyrics you relate to as an autistic woman?
Local electronics shop?
Please help me. I’m in so much pain and desperate.