Porn in my relationship
Today I got my first car ever. I'm 32 years old.
AITA for giving the baby my last name?
For the girls ‼️‼️
Opinions on this book?
Is there anything you’ve always been curious about when it comes to Islam/Muslims?
Calling your girlfriend names
AIO for not quitting the gym because my boyfriend told me to
How do Muslims go without water during Ramadan?
What body parts do you find most attractive on a men?
First body piercing!
What do you look for in a partner, besides looks and financial stability?
Does it bother yall how men try and date yall but then follow a shit ton of half naked women on social media?
Got my 23 GT2 Wrapped!
What are “the little things” your bf/husband does for you that you appreciate?
What mode do ya’ll usually drive your car in?
Why do Pakistani parents hate their children so much? Especially girls.
What kind of Smut do you like?
Would you be okay if your future wife never wanted to take your last name?
AIO? Husband tried to choke me but didn't do it "as forcefully as he could have" so it doesn't count?
I don’t want to change my last name after marriage, but my partner disagrees
Women who pursued higher education, what were your main financial sources?
How many cal should I eat
Am I Overreacting?
Aio? I asked boyfriend of almost 5 years about marriage and this is his response….