Taxi Life now officially supported by MOZA Racing wheels
Recently got a G29 wheel and an looking for a game that just lets me drive around normally without racing. Is Taxi Life good for that?
Is there any more planned content to the game?
more irl-based taxi liveries?
Roadmap for development?
Car drifting right for no reason
Taxi Life celebrates its birthday!
Is Fanatec GT DD Pro still not compatible with PS5 Taxi Life ? Will it add later ?
I hope the developers will take the time to improve/enhance the graphics. add rain, darker at night time. The game is really fun, but you need your own speaker or headset for the music so you won't get sleepy. Haha.
Tachometer & Spedometer Disappearing (+Tachometer doesn't reach redline)
Who was in the wrong?
Delivery Driver DLC GIVEAWAY!
Taxi Life: Delivery Driver DLC Out Now | PATCH NOTES
Drivers! The next update for Taxi Life will be on Feb. 13th, 2025
How to make fat stacks of cash in Taxi Life
Taxi jumping when in cruise control
the taxi sign can be removed?
Can't interact with Clients
Brake Sensitivity
Hori racing wheel apex compatibility?
be able to assign controls for drive & reverse (automatic) gear
What is the best force feedback?
Discord bots for player bug reporting