Some cursed maps I made with the Got lakes mod around a year ago
Anyone else think that Pachacuti’s spawn bias towards mountains might not be working?
What’s the lore reason for gnoblars not being part of the green skin roster?
Civ7: Why does Catherine the Great have a Pax Imperatoria legacy point here?
Can anyone explain how Babylon is "out of range" for a trade route from Thebai?
Huh? Turn 20 rogue army op
Looking for Loremasters
Does empire size decrease resource output?
Planning to start a run using knights of the toxic god, any recommendations on what ethics and civics to use/avoid?
As a fan of civ bot not a history buff, what civs(confirmed or likely) can we expect Inca to transition from and into?
I present to you.... The Rock Ship!
It's Zarya from the game OW2
Penal legions lore
What dlcs to get
New Dwarf Deep building form 5.2.2
Does this trait affect the lords army?
Two Mortars By Turn 3 Bug
14 could-be-Spoiler questions i have.
Anyone else think CA should add packs of just legendary lords?
What's your go-to LL?
40k mfs telling us 40k is as melee intesive as fantasy and then posting whole rosters of gun units (no offence to op of that post, this is just a joke)
Who would win in a eating competition?