14.5" BCM Upper with Flash Suppressor Permanent Install + Polo K Question
BCM alternatives?
Is this a dead upper?
Ethan’s IG story
Is metal shavings normal in the slide?
Giving Glock another try.
AIWB CCW Holster to fit G19.5 with HS EPS Carry, TLR-7 HL-X, Ramjet Afterburner
What and how many (before ban)
Filing jointly halves our tax return
30rd mags
Ethan’s childhood friend (MeetKevin’s Wife) speaking out about the CPS ordeal
PSA AR-15 sub $600
Welp, I finally did it
Moving but keeping firearms in CO
Is this a good lower?
Question about AR15 and SB3
BCM Upper Recommendations
Glock 19.5 Optics and Light Recommendations
Transition Gen S or XTRActive Polarized glasses
Chinese Update Question
So once you hurt your back you will continue to live in pain and never be back to normal?