Best Android App for Playing Gateway Tapes (FLAC Files)
Guided meditations to help you enter Theta, Delta, and other deeper altered states of consciousness on command - through the principle of anchoring
Did I have a sneak peak of visions?
OBE sex safe/ethical?
Can GF be in same bed while listening to the tapes?
The Planning Centre... a big philosphical Question and discussion
Gateway made rethink Heaven: Part 2. Why suicide is "automatically going to Hell" explanation
Dream turned out to be future prediction
What practices do you do alongside the gateway tapes?
Sensory deprivation tank recommended listening
Negative responses telling Family and Friends
For you brave souls, I have a Gateway Tapes exercise for you.
Has anyone ever remote viewed any celebrities past or present and found out something extraordinary or something previously unknown?
Remote Viewing Contactee Claims
CIA transcript
Q: what is a 'structure'?
dYdX Support Thread
How do you RV without isolating you from others by realizing what most can't know exist?
The most famous remote viewing in cinema
So, did all the drones vanish?
If Jake Barber and his team can summon UAP then they should have no problem proving it on camera right?
NewsNation Reality Check just posted on the youtube channel covering the whistleblower episode
News Nation Show
Pursa - crypto to fiat exchange - trustworthy & legit? Or scam??