Why do customers care about your facial expression so much?!
TikTok live, wife requirements.
Red Dead Australia concept (V2)
I collect deer antlers around this time of year (legal in my state) and want to get one of my unmatched singles turned into buttons for knitting projects. Where can I get that done? NSFW because not everyone likes seeing shed antlers
Alternate way to finish “Taking French Leave” SPOILER
I don't understand
Fishtok 💀💀💀
Paleo Idols by theamazingspino
Why does everyone call Addair a nazi or racist?
Brace? More like just sit back and relax...
My new boy
Why do you have eighteen cards!?
More mountain na'vi art lore by me (ill comments keep them to yourself thank youu)
Customer pet peeves
Infernal Warship
how do you draw bobs
You can lead an antivaxxer to the truth bit you can't make the believe it
Well done Micheal
This Lizard
How can I improve my faces?
Waste of a fish tank what plant and fish should I get after getting ride of the crayfish in this 5 foot fish tank
Fish tank
What should I do to make this tank better
EXCUSE ME????!!!
What Na’vi traditions or detail of Pandora itself do you hope will be explored/explained in future movies/comics/games?
Theory: How does Caz...