Breaking pattern
Going to inpatient on Friday and freaking tf out. Need support
Brooke x Whitefox
Well that’s one way to not get clipped
Gift for ramadan
stop trying to make paige happen, she’s not going to happen
Why are people commenting about James Charles, did I miss something?
Her body is tea. She looks so good
Best cities/6 month period ok?
tana said she's never deleted a vid?
Advice needed
3wpo... and panicking
Weird question but has anyone had a breast lift?
I like Brooke
2WPO 36H>? small opening
drop and fluff(?)
Är det polyester i allt?
To you that just had surgery and are struggling
Overwhelmed once the tape came off??
Felt validated in my consultation!
I’ve never felt this discouraged
Tana had a miscarriage??
advice needed for 17yr old