Regarding "LEGO Thomas" licensing conflicts [Mattel VS LEGO]
A potter's small home
Beehives make for quite a nice table; the detailing looks like draws!
This is an 8-step "most efficient" staircase. This absolutely cannot be built in survival and requires insane luck in order for the dripstone/bamboo to line up correctly.
Scratch "when I receive news". Downloaded Scratch 1.4 and edited one of the locales
Some lifers made in Pony Town!
It has 12% more gold on it!
Is misandry just as evil as misogyny and is it more or less common?
How much prayers does it take to make a poor man happy
Is anime interest a turn-off?
I just made this Stitch image with AI
I shoulda checked my pockets.
she would
i made john cena
Couldn't draw ashley's hair so I js did that
No way, only two minifig scale set? And only one of them is medieval? This is so unfair
So meme.. now Do what it says.
Lego Minifigures I really dislike (for no specific reason)
How the Chicago River is dyed green for St. Patrick's Day
Odd forbid women be more pervs than men.
People with large/advanced projects: Do you also organize your variables/lists?
The r/LegoCircleJerk CMF Series, who are you planning on collecting?
What's your opinion on this guy
If you have to pick a composer for Thomas that ISN’T Mike and Junior who would it be and why
bad apple