Let’s play! Day 1: Most Underrated Song?
Genuinely can't anymore.
Guitars with similar neck profiles?
(hated) Manga Reader Here
Music teacher making kid feel worthless
Do you prefer bands with one guitarist or two?
Got this cd off of eBay the track listing is wrong
An Idea for Live Videos
Busted - Year 3000 (2003)
This sounds like such a dumb question but how do I listen to my songs?!
How on earth do people hate "Boys"??
Does James have the greatest vocal come back in history?
road worthyness of Strata Prime
Guitar Hero: Australian Edition?
Pop Punk movies?
Meanwhile, those of us who have never seen Tool live
Day 22: the 5SOS song sounds furious, but the lyrics are loving
Jack’s thoughts on Life is Strange 2
Flanger or Phaser?
Today Marks 11 Years since LP3 left Yellowcard
What’s wrong with Hitchin’ a Ride?
Song for School Talent Show
You're playing a gig, and another band is backlining the drums. How much do you adjust their setup?
Nux on steroids