If emotions had a smell, what would anxiety smell like?
Neb finds a comfy cuddle spot
sleepy kitties
Anyone else’s neb like tv?
Back in 2018 I worked at a cat shelter. This lady was always danglin' one leggie
guess biscuits aren’t enough to cover the rent.
Share your cursed photo
freeze! this is a robbery. put your neblets in the comments.
Comment with your Neb’s baby picture (or pictures)! *Neblet appreciation post*
this mother fucker pushed the full food container off the counter. TWICE!
happy i kidnapped you bud.
Just brought this boy home a couple weeks ago. I was told I need to post him here
I feel like nebs just love to show their furry bellies.
leo’s (11/12YO) fav spot on a rainy day.
do we all just share the same cat?
i’m honestly not even sure what this is.
got any games on your phone?
how do i tell him i need the box.
how dare you look at my box.
don’t look at me like that.
i need the box back bud.
buddy.. i need the box back.
he ate and promptly fell asleep.
Any other Nebs love to roll in the sun?
Thought y’all might like to meet Whopper